Scholarships for scriptwriters and playwrights in Villa Decius
The Villa Decius Institute for Culture and the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation, in cooperation with the Literarisches Colloquium Berlin and the J. Slowacki Theatre in Krakow, invite Polish and German scriptwriters and playwrights to apply for a one-month scholarships at Villa Decius in Krakow in one of three dates: September, October or November 2023. The deadline for applications is 15 June 2023.
The scholarship is open to authors of theatre and radio plays as well as film and television scripts from Poland and Germany who can boast at least one published artistic realisation (theatre performance, radio play, film, TV series) based on their own text.
The scholarship includes a one-month stay in the Renaissance palace in Krakow - at Villa Decius Guest House (single room with bathroom), a stipend of PLN 3,250 gross and assistance in organising the stay and establishing professional contacts. We also hope that the stay at Villa Decius, which currently hosts artists as part of six scholarship programmes, will enable valuable international contacts to be made, and that the company of artists from all over the world will serve as inspiration and create opportunities for creative exchange and cooperation.
As a summary of the project, excerpts from the texts created during the scholarship stay at Villa Decius will be presented at the Juliusz Słowacki Theatre in Krakow in December 2023 in the form of a marathon of mini-performances, prepared by theatre artists and AST Krakow students.
Authors who are interested in taking part in the project, should fill in the online application form: https://forms.gle/Q2AvStQCfrGgCtxe7 and send as an attachment an excerpt from their completed screenplay or play in Polish, German or English. Priority will be given to applications from writers who plan to work on a text on the theme of Polish-German relations in the broad sense of the term.
A motivation letter or a recommendation can be attached to the form.
Recruitment lasts until 15 June at 23:59.
The results of the call will be announced by 3 July 2023. The project provides six monthly scholarships for three artists from Poland and three from Germany.
Any questions can be addressed to: adam.partyka@willadecjusza.pl
Last years' scholarship recipients were: Anna Wakulik, Magda Kupryjanowicz, Lisa Sommerfeld, Dana von Suffrin, Małgorzata Sikorska-Miszczuk, Kai Grehn, Isabella Oliveira Parise Kröger, Mateusz Pacewicz.
The project is funded by the Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation.