Beata Szady


Kraków | Wrocław Residency Program

Beata Szady – journalist, editor, and academic lecturer. Author of reportage books: “Ulica mnie woła. Życiorysy z Limy”, and “Wieczny początek. Warmia and Mazury” (Czarne Publishing House). She published in, inter alia, “Duży Format”, “Wysokie obcasy”, “Polityka”, “Tygodnik Powszechny”, “Pismo” and the Mexican “Travesías”. In her academic life, she deals with reportage and new media in Spanish-speaking countries. Holds Ph.D. on reportage in Latin America in the 21st century. In May this year, she will publish the anthology “Dziobak literatury. Reportaże latynoamerykańskie”(Dowody na Istnienie Publishing House).


At a residency in Krakow in May 2021.