
Literary residencies in Gdańsk | Urban Culture Institute

PhD in literary studies, researcher and translator, author of the monographs Dramat ciała, ciało w dramacie. Twórczość serbskich i chorwackich  dramatopisarek w latach 1990-2010 [Drama of the Body, Body in Drama. The work of Serbian and Croatian female playwrights in 1990-2010] (Atut, Wrocław 2016) and (Trans)pozycje idei w postjugosłowiańskim dramatopisarstwie oraz teatrze [(Trans)positions of ideas in post-Yugoslavian playwriting and theater] (1990-2020), Perspektywa transkulturowa [Transcultural Perspective] (WUŚ, Katowice 2021). Author of the translation of Darek Lukic’s book Introduction to Applied Theatre: Who Owns the Theatre? (AST, Krakow 2021).


She translates Croatian, Serbian, Bosnian and Montenegrin dramatic texts into Polish. Her translations have been published in the journal “Dialog” and in anthologies of drama co-edited by her. She has translated stage texts for the Stefan Jaracz Theater in Olsztyn, the Stefan Jaracz Theatre in Lodz, the Dramatic Theatre in Warsaw, the New Theatre in Warsaw, the TR Warszawa, the Stefan Żeromski Theatre in Kielce, the Halina and Jan Machulski Acting School. She cooperates as a translator and consultant with theatre and theatrical centers. The dramas she has translated have won awards in international competitions (Aurora. The Dramatic Award of the City of Bydgoszcz 2022, EURODRAM 2021).